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{ Monthly Archives } October 2012

Back to Fawlty Towers

I spent three days last week at our Hampshire HQ, having a series of all-day meetings with my customers, so that meant staying for two nights down there. There is a dearth of good quality accommodation in the area, particularly at a price that the corporate hotel booking system deems acceptable, so I stayed again […]

A visit to the Morgan factory

On Monday, after living in Malvern for over thirty years in total, I finally visited the Morgan factory for the first time. Locals will know full well what I’m talking about, but some of my more distant readers may not know that Malvern has been the home of the Morgan Motor Car company for over […]

Genetic testing

“…You have a most unusual and very interesting family tree……”  If those words were spoken by a genealogist or family historian, one might be flattered. But, as my sister says, when they come from a clinical researcher looking into a genetic predisposition to a number of cancers which run in the family, it’s a rather […]

All a matter of timing…..

At ten past two on Saturday afternoon, a white-van-load of builders left, leaving behind a beautifully repointed chimney and a rather large invoice. At half past two, the heavens opened – and my porch leaked yet again! Clearly, they haven’t yet managed to fix it, though to be fair it now only appears to leak […]

Back at the pottery

Eastnor Pottery doesn’t generally run throwing workshops for adults over the summer – Jon the potter instead concentrates on children’s workshops and running pottery “experiences” at fairs and festivals etc. The adult workshops which I so enjoy only start up again in the autumn, by which time I’m generally suffering from withdrawal symptoms! In fact, […]

Bang, bang, bang……

……Crash, thud, tinkle. Yes, I’ve got builders in again! Rob is still here painting the porch and the kitchen window. It’s been a slower job than he’d hoped because the weather has been so poor that he hasn’t been able to do as much of the exterior paintwork as he had planned. It’s dry today, […]


Christopher and I always had our “best” meal of the week on Saturday night, a tradition we picked up from my family. I remember the excitement when my sister and I were deemed old enough to stay up for Saturday night dinner with our parents, rather than having alphabetti spaghetti on toast in front of […]

A wobble

I’ve been getting a series of emails from Christopher over the past week, which has rather shaken me. Ok, they’re clearly not actually from him, but rather from a Google Calendar that he set up when he was first made redundant three years ago. “Empty septic tank”, “Sort out car insurance”, “Get boiler and central […]

Not the only dodgy roof in town

Yesterday afternoon, after work, I met up with a friend and ex-colleague for coffee, a cake, and a good gossip at the Waitrose cafe. I got there a bit early, so did some shopping in town first, and got caught in an absolute downpour. I got soaked! But when I then went into Waitrose to […]