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{ Monthly Archives } February 2013

Throwing a tagine

Throwing a lid for a tagine Further to my last, Jon the Potter at Eastnor Pottery has put up on his blog some photos of last Sunday’s workshop, including some of me throwing a tagine lid. I deliberately don’t take my camera with me, as I get absolutely filthy when I’m throwing, and clay and […]

Making a tagine

On Saturday nights I always make a major effort to cook a good dinner, and last night I pulled out the stops and cooked one of my favourites, a lamb and pomegranate tagine. I cooked it very slowly in a hand-thrown terracotta tagine which Chris and I bought several years ago at a foodie market […]

A sign of Spring

There’s another major cold snap ongoing. No snow, thankfully, but a hard frost every morning meaning I have to de-ice and scrape the car before I go into work. But, although most of my garden is either dormant or sulking in the cold, there is one welcome sign that Spring is on its way. The […]


Malvern has a somewhat old-fashioned single-screen cinema, and it takes a while for films to diffuse out this far into the boondocks. When they finally do get here, it’s only the real blockbusters that are scheduled for more than a single week. So that means that, in the event that there is a film on […]

Getting sick of the snow

As predicted, it did indeed snow on Sunday evening, so I was very glad we’d all made it back from the Cotswolds in time. When I woke up on Monday morning, I could tell from the quality of the light through the bedroom curtains that something wasn’t quite right. Then when I got out of […]

A particularly gluttonous weekend

There is a group of women I know through work (though through a combination of the Three Rs – Retirement, Redundancy and Resignation – only one of them is still there) who have a standing arrangement to go away together once a year to a meeting of The Pudding Club. This year, for the first […]

Living in a small town

I’ve mentioned a few times that Malvern has a real small-town feel, and that I find it pretty much impossible to go around Waitrose without bumping in to someone I know. On Saturday I met a current colleague, an ex-colleague who retired a few years ago, and some close friends of my mother who have […]

More work on the porch, roof, gutters…….

It was pouring with rain overnight earlier in the week, and since I was awake anyway I got out of bed, found a torch, and had a good look at the porch roof in the downpour. I couldn’t see any signs of a leak, so I think (hope!) that problem is solved. However, there is […]