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{ Monthly Archives } February 2015

Sense & Sensibility

While I was having my annual bout of Retail Therapy / Recreational Shopping in Stratford the other weekend, I spent an age browsing in the bookshop, coming away with Sense & Sensibility. Note the ampersand – this isn’t the Jane Austen classic, which I’ve known and loved for years. Instead, it’s by Joanna Trollope, Queen […]

Getting home from Cyprus – part two

When we finally arrived at Larnaca airport, stressed Heathrow-woman dashed off to check in, just in time, whilst the rest of us queued to check in to the BA flight to Gatwick. We were told that it was running 10 minutes late, due to a delayed departure from London. Well, that’s hardly an issue. We […]

Getting home from Cyprus – part one

When I was away last weekend with my friends at the Pudding Club, they were asking me about my holiday to Cyprus over Christmas. And that made me remember that, although I’d alluded on this blog to the fact that I’d had trouble getting back home, I’d never actually written down the whole story. We […]

Built-in Obsolescence

There’s been a lot of fuss in the papers recently about Apple becoming the most profitable company ever. There’s so much hype about their products that, if you’ve got an iPhone, you get sweet-talked into upgrading it every year when the next generation product is brought out. After all, what self-respecting tech geek is going […]

Pudding Club Pig-out

It’s hard to believe that another year has passed already, and it’s time for my now-annual girls’ weekend away at the Pudding Club. This year, two of the regulars had to cancel at the last minute, so rather than waste the places the others invited two of their friends to join the party. The newcomers […]

Going nowhere

I woke up this morning and could tell from the colour of the light coming in through the bedroom curtains that it had snowed overnight. However, I can never tell how bad the situation is until I put my glasses on and open the curtains, as a sprinkling of snow looks just the same to […]

The mouse man returneth

With all the cold weather lately, it’s hardly surprising that I’ve started to hear rustlings in the loft again. It’s been so cold and generally unpleasant outside that the mice have, understandably, been driven inside in search of shelter. Understandable, but not at all welcome! This time the noises haven’t been coming from the usual […]