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{ Monthly Archives } March 2018

Wet Bank Holiday model making

Constructing a wooden safe For each of the last few Christmases my parents have given me some wooden and/or cardboard model kits to make, which I generally save to keep me occupied on a wet Bank Holiday. This year, my mother has surpassed herself – the model was a plywood model safe with a fully […]

Electrical Woes

I knew I had electrical issues in the extension when my washing machine and tumble dryer tripped off in the middle of a cycle, and wouldn’t come back on again, even when I reset the trip-switch in the consumer unit. But it turned out to be more widespread than just one pair of sockets being […]

Yet more snow

This is getting ridiculous. It’s officially Spring already, but I’m snowed in again! I was meant to be at Eastnor Pottery today, at a throwing workshop. Jon the Potter phoned me last night to say that all the other attendees were travelling some distance, so were cancelling due to the Amber weather warning for snow, […]

In need of tradesmen again

I’ve had over a month free of tradesmen working on the house. The last time was in early January, when I had Dynorod around to unblock the drains. I’ve rather enjoyed a month free of writing large cheques in return for getting the house put back to how it ought to be! But I might […]

Eerily Quiet

My house is on a main road, and even though I have double glazing throughout I can usually still hear the regular stream of traffic going past. I’m so used to the sound of the traffic that it took me quite a while today to work out what was different. There has been hardly any […]