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{ Monthly Archives } September 2018

Downtown Montreal

My first impressions of Montréal were of a modern, high-rise, somewhat identikit Northern American city. And of roadworks. Lots of roadworks. The city authorities seemed intent on replacing the sewers all over the downtown, there was a lot of redevelopment going on with new skyscrapers and new bridges being built, several major road junctions were […]

Québécois specialities

I didn’t get much time to explore Montréal; I was there to work, not go sightseeing. And whilst some of the younger lads in my team had the energy to go out sampling the nightlife after a full day’s work, I simply didn’t. But there’s little point in travelling all that way and not making […]


I’ve just returned today from ten days in Montréal, and I’m so jet-lagged I don’t know what day of the week it is, or what meal I’m meant to be having next. I’m going to try to stay awake until mid evening, then collapse into bed and just hope I sleep through the night to […]