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{ Monthly Archives } June 2018

A brief stop in Shrewsbury

It wasn’t too bad getting to Port Meirion from Malvern on a Friday. Although it was a  very long journey,  there was a choice of trains and if the connections had gone badly wrong there were alternatives. But it was another matter coming home again on the Sunday. There was only one train that would […]

Following in the footsteps of Number Six

On the Saturday afternoon I joined an hour-long The Prisoner themed walk around Portmeirion village with a guide. He pointed out key locations from the TV series – such as the house occupied by Number Six, the eponymous Prisoner. Today it’s a shop selling Prisoner-themed gifts, including copies of the iconic blazer for £150. Needless to say, […]

Scattering the Ashes

One of the main reasons for going to Portmeirion was to scatter some of Christopher’s ashes there, since we hadn’t managed to get there when he was alive. In the evening, once all the day-trippers had left the village, it was extremely peaceful. I found a lovely tranquil spot to scatter the ashes into the […]

A surreal few days

Portmeirion isn’t exactly easily accessible from Malvern. It’s on the far side of Snowdonia, on the coast, and I’m simply not prepared to drive for 4+ hours through the mountains to get there. It was actually quite an easy journey by train, perhaps because Great Western Railways didn’t feature at all for once.  I changed […]

Staying on a film set

Christopher was big fan of The Prisoner TV series. Although we were both far too young to have watched it when it was first broadcast in the late ’60s, it was repeated in the ’80s and we both had seen it then. In his last few years, Christopher was a member of what I think […]