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Not the only dodgy roof in town

Yesterday afternoon, after work, I met up with a friend and ex-colleague for coffee, a cake, and a good gossip at the Waitrose cafe. I got there a bit early, so did some shopping in town first, and got caught in an absolute downpour. I got soaked! But when I then went into Waitrose to do a quick shop before meeting up with my friend, I found that they had been very badly hit by the downpour. There was water absolutely pouring in through the ceiling in places – and I’m not exaggerating, it looked as though the ceiling panels were going to collapse! Several tills were completely out of action, with tarpaulins hastily thrown over them to protect them from the worst of the water. Some of the shop staff were up ladders trying to remove the worst-affected ceiling tiles, whilst a small army of staff was mopping up the sodden floor.

It turns out that some vandals had nicked the lead off the roof, probably towards the end of last week, leaving it substantially less than water-tight. And the sudden downpour did the rest. I find it incredible that louts are able to get away with such blatant theft right in the middle of town. The shop staff coped with it all very well, and kept the shop open and functioning while they dealt with it and made it safe, but the manager’s face looked like absolute thunder. And hardly surprising!

{ 1 } Comments

  1. pauld | 4 October 2012 at 2:20 pm | Permalink

    I would have thought there’d be more upmarket vandals in Malvern, your sort of middle class type of hooligan