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{ Monthly Archives } December 2016

Merry Mouse-Free Christmas

I received a Christmas card last week from Peter, Christopher’s stepfather. In it he wished me a happy and mouse-free Christmas. Well, you can guess what happened next. Almost immediately, the tell-tale scrabbling sounds started from my loft – this time directly above my chair in the living room. The mice were clearly planning a […]

The end of the Shower Saga?

I took yet another half day off work, and the plumber finally came back to put silicone sealant around the edge of the shower. Of course, I wasn’t able to use it immediately – the sealant takes about 24 hours to cure fully, so I had to wait before I could test out the new […]

The Maya at the British Museum

I’ve been on another of my Archaeological Study Days with Andante Travels. This time it was behind the scenes at the British Museum, learning about the Mayan civilisation of the Yucatan peninsular, straddling today’s Mexico, Belize and Guatamala. It’s a civilisation I’ve been interested in ever since Christopher and I honeymooned in Mexico over 20 years […]

A Row with the National Trust

I was on the phone to the National Trust this afternoon, and the conversation incensed me so much that I hung up on them and fired off an email of complaint: I phoned up this afternoon to attempt to buy a gift membership for my elderly parents. First, you wanted my date of birth. That […]

Who Killed Santa Claus?

It’s been a while since I’ve been to the theatre, and I certainly don’t intend to go there over the Christmas season, when all that’ll be on is The Panto. Not my cup of tea at all. The actors for that are already in town, and the principals (some minor stars from children’s TV) turned […]