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{ Monthly Archives } January 2008

Frost at Midnight

Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem Frost at Midnight is the fortnightly poem at the moment on LibriVox. It forms a circular journey of linked thoughts, starting with the frost on the window and moving through the writer’s own thoughts, to contemplations about his baby, sleeping in his arms. Next the fluttering flame in the grate reminds […]

South Coast, by Nathan Lowell

Nathan Lowell’s South Coast is the fourth of his tales of the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper that he has podcast at Podiobooks. Unlike the others, this one is set on a single planet, and is subtitled A Shaman’s Tale. It follows Otto Krugg, only son of Richard, who is the Shaman of his […]

Nathan Lowell’s Golden Age novels

There are three novels so far in Nathan Lowell’s Golden Age of the Solar Clipper series. I started listening to the first of them, Quarter Share just before Christmas on Podiobooks, and liked it so much I went back to the second (Half Share) and third (Full Share) earlier this month. I’ll get the rating […]

LibriVox book-a-week club

On LibriVox some of us are trying to read a book a week for the whole of 2008. I’ll try to keep a record here of my books. As you might imagine, not all of my books will be printed. I love listening to audio books, some from LibriVox, others by podcasters, and yet others […]