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{ Monthly Archives } April 2018

The mice are back – again!

It’s been several months since there has been any sign at all of mice in the loft, and I was getting complacent. That was a mistake! They came back on Friday night, just as I was trying to get to sleep, and were scurrying backwards and forwards directly above my bed, all night long. I […]

From Roman York to Roman London

I had a meeting this morning at a hotel very close to Tower Hill tube station in London. The trains worked fairly smoothly for once, and I got to Tower Hill with plenty of time before I had to go to the meeting. I sussed out where the hotel was, and it was literally two […]

A few days exploring Roman York

After the very long and tiring “final quarter” of the financial year, I was badly in need of a holiday. But preferably not one that would be too exhausting. So I booked myself a few days away in York. I last went there about two years ago on business, and had just half a day […]

The Turn of the Screw

It seems ages since I’ve been to the theatre. I always avoid Pantomime Season as a matter of course, but that finished a little while ago. However, I’ve just not had the energy recently to go to the theatre – the last quarter of the Financial Year is always a tough one at work, and […]