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{ Monthly Archives } July 2013

Definitely NOT taking part in Reality TV!

This is an odd one……. I was contacted recently on behalf of a television company looking for people to take part in a new TV series! There’s a fair bit of interest in the media at the moment about returning to “traditional skills”, possibly as a reaction to Austerity Britain and the Credit Crunch. There’s […]

Lunch at the Inn at Welland

For the last several years, Christopher’s step-father, Peter, has spent a week or two over the summer visiting some friends of his in Wales. His way home back to Kent takes him pretty close to Malvern, usually passing through around lunch-time. So it seems a very good idea to meet up for a pub-lunch and […]

Before Midnight

One of Christopher’s favourite films was Before Sunrise, the 1995 film staring Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, about a young couple, Celine and Jesse, who meet by chance on a train, and spend the day (or rather, the night) walking around Vienna talking to each other, before going their separate ways. I don’t know when […]

Lidded pots

I popped down to Eastnor Pottery this afternoon to collect the pots which I turned and decorated a few weeks ago, and which have just come out of the kiln. These were a commission from my father, who wanted a lidded pot to use as a sugar bowl. He particularly requested that the lid should […]

Liverpool Care Pathway

There has been a great deal in the press over the last few months about the Liverpool Care Pathway, a method of treating dying patients with sedation and withdrawal of both food and active treatment once it is recognised that they are very close to death. The pathway was developed out of methods of treatment […]

Malvern Food Bank

It’s absolutely shocking to think that in a relatively affluent place like Malvern there are people who can’t afford to feed themselves or their families. I know there are pockets of deprivation on some of the estates and in the surrounding villages, but still, I hadn’t realised it was so bad that people were having […]

Yorkshire Puddings

Although I rather like Yorkshire puddings, and often have them if they’re on the menu at the canteen at work, I’d never cooked one. Partly I think that was because Christopher never cooked them – he wasn’t particularly keen on the texture, so they never formed part of the accompaniments when he did a roast […]

Primary Eye-care Acute Referral Scheme

Two weeks ago, towards the end of the first equipment trial, I started getting weird blue flashes in the corner of my left eye, accompanied by very blurred vision. At first, I thought it was the onset of another migraine – I’ve been getting a steady stream of them recently – but the pain never […]

Another tradesman comes to call…..

Since I was away on business for all of June, Saturdays excepted, I have easily managed to beat our friend Carol’s challenge of ten tradesman-free days. But of course, I was merely postponing the issue – there’s always something in the house or garden that needs dealing with. This time, the thing that was demanding […]

A bit of “Me Time”

I’ve taken the week off work to recharge my batteries after spending all of June away on business. I’m spending some of the time watching Wimbledon on the TV, and much of the rest catching up with chores, as it’s amazing how they stack up when one’s away for a month. However, I decided to […]