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Still Slightly Deafened

About a year ago, I went to a performance at Malvern Theatres of The Classic Rock Show – a group of musicians who performed a set covering literally an A to Z of rock from AC/DC to ZZ Top. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, so when I saw that they were […]

Little Women

About forty years ago, I went to stay with my grandparents on my own for a week. There wasn’t a great deal to do there in the evenings, but I found a shelf of children’s books in the dining room which I think must originally have belonged to my aunt. I was a voracious reader, […]

Ten Times Table

After all the fuss and stress of travelling to London and back through the floods, I decided I would treat myself with a trip out to the theatre. Malvern Theatres had another Alan Ayckbourn play on this week, which again was one I didn’t know – Ten Times Table. I made use of my Standby […]

Arrivals and Departures

It’s been ages since I’ve been to the theatre. Partly that’s been because I’ve been too busy, and partly because there hasn’t been much on lately that really interests me. The theatre has put up its prices quite a bit recently, and that’s also put me off. But I was idly looking at the theatre […]

And Another Loud Evening

I can’t remember the last time I went out two evenings in one week, and certainly not to rock concerts! But the opportunity was too good to miss. Fiona has been helping keep my recurrent migraines under some sort of control by giving me a back, neck and shoulder massage every three weeks for the […]

A Very Loud Evening

I had a very different and extremely loud evening earlier this week. I had noticed in the theatre listings that, for one night only, the UK tour of The Classic Rock Show was coming to Malvern. This is essentially a glorified tribute band, but rather than sticking to replicating the sound of just one group (like […]

The UK Pink Floyd Experience

I had a very interesting and different evening last Saturday. There was a Pink Floyd tribute band in town, for one night only, visiting the Malvern Theatres as part of a UK tour. They got some very good reviews online, the tickets were very reasonably priced, and there were still a few seats left, so […]

The Turn of the Screw

It seems ages since I’ve been to the theatre. I always avoid Pantomime Season as a matter of course, but that finished a little while ago. However, I’ve just not had the energy recently to go to the theatre – the last quarter of the Financial Year is always a tough one at work, and […]

Another Marco Restaurant

I’ve been doing an increasing amount of work with a number of British universities recently, and spent a couple of days in Scotland this week following up on some earlier discussions. I was booked on an early flight from Birmingham to Edinburgh on Monday morning. It wasn’t the first flight of the day, but still […]

How the Other Half Loves

After a disappointingly barren summer,  Malvern Theatres has had a couple of interesting things on in quick succession. This week’s offering was How the Othe Half Loves, the 1969 Alan Acykbourn classic. Apparently, it had a prolonged and critically acclaimed run in London last year,and is now on tour around the country – although with […]