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Yet more work on the porch

Having spent what feels like most of last year trying to stop my porch from leaking in the rain, my builder and I have come to the conclusion that he’s done too good a job at making it watertight, and I now have a problem with condensation. So he’s been back this week to drill holes in the porch to install trickle-vents to provide ventilation and circulation of air. The irony has not escaped me……

He’s also re-routed the pipe that carries the condensate from my boiler. Rather than disgorging into a gutter well above head height, it now runs directly down the outside of the kitchen wall and empties into a ground-level drain. That’s a much more sensible arrangement, and should mean that I don’t have to go up a stepladder in the snow to try to keep the gutter clear. And just in time too, as it appears from the weather forecast that there is yet more snow due over the weekend……