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In the nick of time

Well, that rerouting of the boiler condensate pipe really was done in the nick of time! There was in excess of 15cm of snow overnight and it kept snowing all morning today. It’s stopped for now, but there is more forecast for this evening and tomorrow. You wouldn’t think that it’s very nearly April given the appalling weather. But at least it’s been a big relief not to worry about the central heating seizing up.

I had planned to go to the theatre this afternoon. I have a ticket to see People by Alan Bennett. It’s on at the National Theatre in London, and a live performance is being screened at Malvern cinema. It’s had fairly mixed reviews, but I haven’t had a trip to the theatre for months, and I’ve been looking forward to it. But it’s taken me three solid hours to shovel many many cubic metres of snow off my drive, and at the time I should have been setting off for the theatre I still hadn’t reached as far as the car. The main road is passable with care, so I did think about getting a taxi there and back instead of digging out the car, but the taxi fare would have been double the price of the theatre ticket. And I’m absolutely shattered from three hours of unaccustomed physical labour. So all in all I think it’s best if I just stay at home and hibernate.

I really, really hope this is the last snow of the winter.