Carol is making fun of me in the comments for having a house which seems to attract tradesmen like butterflies around a buddlia bush. But it’s getting worse by the day! On Thursday evening my oven packed up. That was particularly annoying because I had made a huge effort for my dinner and prepared a courgette and cheese soufflé, one of my absolute favourites which I have recently taught myself to cook. But after 35 minutes in the oven it was still an unrisen puddle of warm egg mixture, which was when I made the discovery that the heating element in the oven had failed – apparently about half way through the cooking time, as it had been hot when I put the dish in the oven.
I really can’t do without an oven. So I’m going to have to work from home on Tuesday while yet another tradesman comes to call, this time from the hopefully-named Domestic Appliance Repair shop. I sincerely hope that they live up to their name!
{ 4 } Comments
I’ve used DAR a couple of times and they’ve been great.
Hope it gets sorted soon!
Be carefull with tradesmen, new heating element about £20 – 25 and just maybe 4 screws holding it in place, think theres a place in Malvern that sells them
We’ve used DAR a few times – no problems!
I’ve used DAR for years, as has my mother, and we have never had any problems with them.