I really wanted to go to see The King’s Speech, and not only because it stars Colin Firth – though that is of course a major attraction 🙂 Malvern Cinema was showing the film a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t able to get to see it at the time. I was too tired after work to go out in the evening during the week, at at the weekend I had things on. I was in fact offered some spare tickets by my neighbour who was unable to go, but had to regretfully decline them, as that was the weekend I had my sister and some friends visiting.
So I was really pleased when I saw that the local cinema had succumbed to public demand, and brought the film back for another week. Work is mad at the moment, and I know there’s no chance of feeling up to going out during the week, so I treated myself yesterday to a ticket to the Sunday Matinee. It felt very odd going to the cinema without Chris – that was the first time I’d done so since he died. But I was very pleased I’d made the effort as I thoroughly enjoyed the film, and now know what all the fuss is about. I highly recommend it.