The saga of Christopher’s tax liabilities continues. I last wrote to HMRC in the middle of January with more information about his estate. Today I got a letter back, saying that they are able to settle the tax liability informally, so I won’t need to fill in a tax return for him – that’s good news. They enclosed a paying-in slip to be used to pay them the amount. But they didn’t actually say how much they want! It seems that the tax calculation itself will come in a separate letter, “shortly” (which I suspect could mean another few weeks at the current rate of progress). It seems crazy to send me two letters when one would do, and in the mean time I need to file the paying-in slip somewhere safe so I don’t lose it. I also notice that the paying-in slip says clearly “HMRC to complete payslip and overleaf for all payments in deceased and estate cases”. That’s clearly the case here, and yet they’ve sent me a completely blank one.
Oh well, I suppose it is at least progress.
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I think I had three letters after my informal tax calculation. I also had no thank you card from them which given the amount of money is the leas they could have done.