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Ten Years

Christopher died ten years ago today. That’s hard to grasp. Time is such a fluid thing. Sometimes it seems ages ago, other times it still feels remarkably recent.

Over the past ten years I have scattered his ashes in interesting and tranquil places on three continents. But I haven’t made it to China – he wanted some of his ashes scattered on or near the Great Wall. That remains to be done; and given the current situation with international travel in general, let alone to China, I think it may well be several years yet before I can contemplate fulfilling that particular wish.

I always find this time of year very sad. But I’m keeping myself very busy with work. I’m running a socially-distanced equipment integration trial at the moment, mostly coordinated from my dining room table, so I don’t have time to mope.

{ 2 } Comments

  1. Mike K | 11 August 2020 at 6:20 pm | Permalink

    Dear Gillian – I just wanted to say that we have been thinking about you and Chris over this past week. Chris often comes into my thoughts – he was a very kind and generous person and he was so much looking forward to the next phase in his working life. When I picture him in my mind he always has a smile on his face.

  2. Richard P | 15 August 2020 at 6:44 am | Permalink

    Even from a distance, this is painful milestone. I have so many happy memories of Chris, and the special times we all spent together. Keep strong.