Nearly twenty years ago, shortly after Christopher and I were married, a deaf and dumb hawker came to the door of our flat selling household goods. Christopher was a much softer touch than me, and felt emotionally blackmailed into buying some oven gloves from him. It turned out to be a bad buy. As oven gloves go, they were pretty crap, frankly. They didn’t wash well, had very little padding in them, and you definitely risked burns when using them to take something out of a very hot oven. We soon bought another, much more robust set of oven gloves, and for the past fifteen years the thin ones have been relegated to the dining room, to be used only to put moderately hot dishes on the table.
I’ve never liked them, but seem to have fallen into a sort of inertia regarding them. After all, if you own a set of oven gloves, it seems entirely extravagant to throw them away and replace them with a new set – even though in this case they were barely fit for purpose! But I got burned once too often this week, and decided I’d Had Enough. Just because Christopher had bought them didn’t mean that I have to live with them for ever. Waitrose have got some classic, well-padded, washable oven gloves for half price at the the moment, so I have bought a pair and consigned the inadequate ones to the bin. It’s absolutely ridiculous that it feels so liberating to throw away a pair of oven gloves!
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We’ve all got them! I had a “young offender” with a bag of cleaning stuff knock the door this week, but his cleaning things were awful and very expensive. So for once I wasn’t persuaded.