I have some badly-needed and much anticipated time off work now that I’ve made it through to the end of the Financial Year. I did little over the weekend except sleep, but I woke up this morning with more energy, and decided to do some de-cluttering and tidying up. The living room and dining room weren’t too difficult – mostly magazines that needed to be recycled and paperwork to be filed. I was on a bit of a roll, so decided to tackle the spare room and Christopher’s study. That was more challenging.
I found a whole stash of Christopher’s clothes that I’d forgotten I hadn’t dealt with. So that meant a tip run to recycle some of them, and a trip to Oxfam for the ones still in good condition. I also took some of his old electronics stuff (including a very old Apple Newton) to the tip since I was going there anyway. Plus I found a bag from Cheltenham Hospital full of an emergency chemotherapy spillage and dressing kit – all unused, but with absorbent pads, a sharps box, sterile dressings etc, in case we had needed to call out the District Nurse to fix a leaking chemo pump. I took that to the pharmacy to be disposed of properly. And I found a spare pair of his sunglasses, which I took into the opticians who donate them to charities in the developing world.
I can think of more pleasant ways of spending a day off, but it’s good to have got it done.