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Second leak fixed at last – I think!

Tony came round again this morning, for the fourth time in three weeks, and brought with him another spare part for my pressurised hot water system. He says that should now have fixed the original leak – the one into the overflow pipe outside the kitchen. I went outside to check, and it does seem to have stopped dripping, so that’s a big relief. I’ve told him that I really hope not to see him again for another year, for a regular boiler service.

Now of course I need to get the hall ceiling repainted to cover up the dodgy stain from the leak that was finally fixed last week. I suppose I could do it myself, but I really don’t want to. Christopher always used to complain over many years that the very word “paintbrush” gave him backache. I was less than sympathetic at the time, but now I think I know how he felt! I shall give my regular decorator, Rob, a call and see if he can fit me in.

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  1. […] of sealant over the dodgy brown water stain on the hall ceiling – the one that was due to the leaking valve on the hot water cylinder. That bit of the job took him literally ten minutes, and he was gone again by the time I’d […]