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The Annual Pudding Overdose

After the day’s Retail Therapy, all attention turned to the main event of the weekend, the Pudding Club. We met up the the residents’ lounge of the Three Ways House Hotel for drinks and a good gossip. All too soon, it was time to get changed for dinner. I’ve learned over the years of the […]

New Year’s Day Gluttony

For the past few years, in fact since Christopher died, it’s become a bit of a tradition that my neighbours over the road invite me round for lunch on New Year’s Day – a very enjoyable way of getting the year off to a good start. Last year, we varied the routine, as my neighbours […]

Annual lunch with Peter

Every year Peter, Christopher’s step-father, has a holiday with friends in Wales, which pretty much involves him driving right past my door. So every year we try to meet up for a pub lunch on either his way there or home again. The last couple of years he’s been coming past Malvern on a weekday, […]

The morning after…..

Every year it astonishes me, the morning after the excesses of the Pudding Club, just how much we all manage to put away at breakfast the next morning. We met up in the dining room at 09:00 and breakfasted extremely well on a full English, plus cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurt, and in the case of […]

Pudding Club Gluttony

Of course, the Retail Therapy was only a side-show to the main event of the weekend, our annual trip to the Pudding Club. We made the short drive over the Cotswolds to the picturesque village of Mickleton, to the Three Ways House hotel. I always rate a hotel by whether it provides flannels, a box […]

Logistics Nightmare

When Christopher was having chemotherapy, his immune system was dangerously compromised one week in every three, and it was unsafe for him to go out too much in case he caught an infection. But he still wanted to contribute to the running of the household to the fullest extent he could, so we started making […]

Cucumelon Bonanza!

Cuthbert the Cucmelon really has come good. After several weeks of not producing anything, he’s now heavy with fruit. This is the first harvest of mini-fruits, and there’s at least as many again that should be ready by the weekend. Mind you, it was necessary to stand on a chair to pick them – he’s […]

Another Girls’ Gluttonous Weekend Away

It seems as if this past year has gone very quickly. Last weekend was my now-annual visit to the Pudding Club with a group of colleagues and ex-colleagues. This was my fourth visit, though I’m still a newbie compared to many of the gang – the stalwart who organises our annual trip is on her […]

Bellapais Abbey

There is a very atmospheric ruin of a monastic complex in the village of Bellapais, on the mountainside overlooking Kyrenia. The village itself is rather touristy – it has both the abbey ruin and the erstwhile house of Lawrence Durrell to attract the coach parties. But the abbey itself is worth a visit – there […]

Dinner at The Terrace on the Hill

My sister and brother-in-law have been staying for the weekend. Since I owed them at least a year’s worth of Christmas and birthday presents, I decided to take them out for dinner to Malvern’s best restaurant. The Terrace on the Hill is a brunch / light-lunch / afternoon-tea-and-cakes place during the week, but on Friday […]