Christopher’s Flickr photo-sharing site is the only one of his social media accounts I haven’t closed, mostly because I get very few nuisance emails from it. I haven’t kept up his subscription to the premium service, and it’s getting increasingly out-of-date, but it’s still there. This week he (or rather, I) got a rare email from FlickrHQ saying that there was a new feature, “galleries” which “allows the curation of other members’ public photos” and, more to the point, that someone calling themselves Archaeoinaction had added one of Christopher’s photos to their gallery.

Icyjumbo's photo of the Sleeping Lady of Malta
I did some digging of course, and it seems that Archaeoinaction are an archaeological service who do “Content Syndication and News Feeds about Mediterranean Archaeological Heritage”. They’ve clearly been asked to put together a set of pictures about the National Museum of Archaeology in Valetta, Malta, so have searched Flickr for suitably tagged photos and pulled them all together onto one page. And one of Christopher’s pictures, taken when we were on holiday in Malta in 2006, is one of them. The gallery is on Flickr here. I may be biased, but I think that Christopher’s photo of the 4500-year old “Sleeping Lady” is one of the better photos! They seem to think so as well, as they have also linked to Christopher’s photo on their own webpage.
At least if you click through the Archaeoinaction links it does eventually take you to Christopher’s Flickr page, so they are crediting him. Which is the correct thing to do, as he states that he has licensed it under Creative Commons, which means that authorship must be acknowledged. I think he would be pleased that his photograph has got wider distribution and recognition.
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Seeing Christopher’s photograph of Hector looking out the window reminded me of the children’s TV programme Hector’s House … “I’m a great big, photogenic old Hector”
I used to love Hector’s House! The catch-phrase I remember is “I’m a very clever dog………”!
When I typed “Hector’s House” into the Amazon search engine, one of the titles it came back with was …
RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications (Artech House microelectromechanical systems series) by Hector J.De Los Santos
… which just goes to show that Hector really is a very clever dog!
Richard, Hector was probably made redundant and had to diversify his skill base 🙂
… only after a hosepipe ban put paid to his watering activities in the garden!
well the hosepipe ban and the drought caused Hectors house to subside and collapse and he’s now living rough on the streets begging for money.