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Taking one day at a time

By Gillian

It’s very difficult to plan ahead at the moment, as Chris feels so different from one day to the next. For the last few days he’s been having a run of feeling remarkably well, and has picked up some of his favourite hobbies (photography, Librivox) again. I suppose we got over-confident, thinking that we’d got the sickness licked for this cycle at least. But he started feeling grotty again yesterday, and flamboyantly threw up his breakfast this morning. Fortunately we had another “bag change” chemotherapy session at Worcester hospital this morning and were able to talk things over with both the consultant oncologist and a specialist symptom control nurse. They’ve tweaked his medication, adding in a new anti-nausea drug, and we’ll see if that makes a difference.

I think the key thing at the moment is not to try to plan ahead too far, but to take each day as it comes. That makes it pretty difficult now that I’m back at work, as a large part of my job is going out meeting customers and suppliers for a project that I’m leading. So I’m trying to be as flexible as I can, and calling on a network of friends and family who are prepared to “husband sit” if Chris has a bad day when I need to be away on business.

{ 4 } Comments

  1. Stephen Spencer | 28 January 2010 at 11:18 am | Permalink

    Hi Chris,

    I just found out about your illness and I’m very sorry to hear about it, but I’m glad that you are being so open about everything. I hope you (and Gillian) keep on blogging though it all. You have my best wishes.

  2. icyjumbo | 28 January 2010 at 12:51 pm | Permalink

    Thanks, Steve. I’ve been very touched by the number of people wishing me well. It really does help. The openness is no effort at all, actually. Blogging helps me stay positive, especially when people read what I write and make such kind comments.

  3. Seonaid Teal | 28 January 2010 at 1:09 pm | Permalink

    Hi Chris,
    It was a shock to hear you were ill. The blog is a great way to keep people up to date with how you are. I hope you have more good days than bad. My thoughts are with both you and Gillian. If there’s anything I can do let me know.

  4. icyjumbo | 28 January 2010 at 1:19 pm | Permalink

    Seonaid, thank you for your kind words. I find the blog is more than just a way to keep people up to date with my situation. It has become a really powerful way for me to keep a positive attitude because of all the good will that comes from people who read and comment. That helps my stay upbeat, which helps me write more interestingly, and keeps the readers coming back for more. A wonderful virtuous circle.

    I’ll be sure to get in touch if there is anything you can do to help.